Greetings Friends,
I hope you're enjoying this day. I LOVE summer storms, rain, thunder, etc...all ways that God displays His power and majesty, I think. What a remarkable day along the journey....
I journaled a lot this morning; I love to do that. I started feeling the need to draw, and I'm not an artist! I went looking for some blank paper, but what I found was stationary that had awards, prizes, trophies, etc all around the edges. I thought that was kinda cool, and I started listing all the "things" that I was proud of over the course of my life. (Honor grad, grades, honor societies, programs I started, awards and accolades.) Those were things that I always looked to, in the vain attempt to make me feel proud and accomplished. Maybe a way to build some self-esteem. It built such a never ended...just went around and around the edge of the paper.
I then drew a picture of myself as I thought I'd looked for a large portion of my life....empty. GOD showed me that I used soooo many things to fill the emptiness I felt inside. Food, awards, knowledge, friends, family, (did I mention food?), service projects, anger, offenses, fear, politics, praise, doing for others, etc., these were all things that I thought would fill me up. WRONG!! I've learned that there is NO-thing or NO-one that can fill a person other than the ONE who created that person!!
As He showed me all those things, I remembered Naseem encouraging me to apply the blood of Jesus Christ over those things that had held me captive. I took a red colored pencil and, as I asked forgiveness for trying to allow each area to take the place of Christ in my life, I colored over each thing in red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus. I wept as I looked at each thing that I've tried to fill myself with....pointless as Solomon says in Ecclesiastes! Everything was pointless!!
What is NOT pointless is allowing Jesus to take up residence in our my heart! He is number 1 and each day, each hour and maybe each minute if need be, you and I need to submit to His will and His leading in our lives.
After finishing my picture, I felt the need to find corresponding Scriptures that can speak TRUTH instead of the lies that I had accepted about each of those things completing me. You know? When Renee Zellweger told Tom Cruise that he "completed her" in Jerry McGuire, I almost wanted to puke. Truth is, I've been her character, and we probably all have. If you're looking to anyone or anything to take the place of pre-eminence in your life to the exclusion of Jesus Christ being on the throne of your life, I can promise that you're heading for a fall. Turn your life over to Jesus, and submit your life to God...because Scripture tells us he formed us in our mother's wombs....He had us at hello!!
Giving myself grace in the journey,
1 comment:
KAra- I am so glad and honored that you are sharing this journey with me. I will pray for you daily, for strength to walk in your own shoes and enjoy the trip. For joy and abundance to fall on you daily- your very manna from heaven.
It is not to be stored or put away, it is to be used and enjoyed daily- living out your life as a beautiful work of art- created to be fully alive in Christ Jesus!!
I can see you raising your hands high- chin lifted to the heavens, the daily manna of joy and abundance falling around you- your daily bread. take off those shoes that were functional, a bit sore and not quite right-
and you put on the shoes that you were destined to walk in. Not the ones you put on- from a perspective of "lack" and "not good enough"- but the shoes of your destiny!!
Shoes that DANCE ......DANCE!!!! Dance in His abundance and grace, his mercy and love!!
Fully alive in Christ JEsus!!
Love ya chicky- will keep praying for your new shoes to manifest!
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