Hi Everyone!
It's me, your favorite (well, I hope your favorite) handy-dandy blogger, Kara! I'm typing away at my keyboard at work, taking a break from recruiting some FLAKES to join our Ambassador Center Team. What's a FLAKE, you ask? Well, it's a person who's Fun, Loving, Attentive, Kind and Energetic!! I'm the Queen of Flakedom, myself!
Anyway, I just wanted to say that you might notice a change in the look of the blog. I've been playing lately with the look. The Carolina blue fits, right??
I bought an IPod recently, and Go Fish is playing in my ears now, so I'm feelin' kinda snazzy. (Only those with kids under about 10 will know what that means!)
Anyway, this is the day the Lord has made, so I'm choosing to rejoice and be glad in it.....how about you?? The drive in was great this morning. We're getting lots of political stuff done down at mom and dad's house. It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since the last campaign. We've decided to do our best and leave the rest in God's hands....I guess a lot less stress that way, right??

Is anybody watching that Greatest American Dog show? It comes on tonight, and I'm just in love with this bulldog named Tillman. (Course, his owner ain't half bad to look at either...don'te tell Jeff!!) Man, the dog can SKATEBOARD!! I'd fall on my generously proportioned butt if I tried to do what he does!! If you haven't seen it, check it out on CBS, 8 PM I think!
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