Thursday, August 14, 2008

"You Take My Breath Away" Homage to Rex Smith

Hi Everyone,

Now if someone actually gets this musical reference, you are definitely of my age frame!! Boy that Rex Smith was a cutie, and I LOVED that song of his! No, I'm not going to blog about pre-teen crushes, but most of my blog titles of late have a musical reference, so there ya go!!

The real point of this post is to give thanks to God for the past 4 years or so. I'm in the middle of an incredibly bittersweet time right now, and I just came across one of my favorite quotes: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."

I have had the joy, the privilege, and the honor to share my life with some of the most amazing kids in the world these past years. I've worked alongside incredibly talented staff members, and I've met some wonderful parents and volunteers at Kids1st. Tomorrow is my last day on staff here, and today is the day that I want to say thank you. Working here has had a wealth of moments that took my breath away.

First, there is no one who contributed more to my growth and development in my job and who encouraged me more than Tim Patrick. Tim is not only a friend, he is a trusted source of Biblical encouragement, counsel and wisdom. Tim believed in me and helped to spark a passion in me to give of my time and talents to children. He helped me see the amazing God-given potential in each child that comes in the doors of our church, and he has a passion to see that each of them get to know Jesus as their personal Savior and best friend. I miss him terribly, but I know that his friendship, and that of Lisa, Jessica, Jason and Jacob are ones that will continue with me forever. Tim, you gave me endless hours of laughter and joy during my Internship and my two years as Events Coordinator. From the Donald Duck conversations, to the long hours coordinating FAM JAMs, to the awesome Go Fish concert, to watching so many children give their lives to Jesus (through games!), to getting this new building designed and decorated, you made these past years awesome! I am indebted to you for so many reasons, and a simple thanks just isn't enough. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I hope I contributed to you and your job even a quarter of what you gave to mine! I love you, my friend!!

Anne, what better desk-sharer could I have asked for? There is no one who could possibly sit with me for hours and sing all the #1 hits of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s...and forget the 00's who knew any of those songs anyway? You love those babies like no one else, and I can't WAIT to see what happens with STARS!! It's gonna be awesome!

Rhonda, you came to our team at a time when we needed a person to greatly concentrate on recruiting and inviting people to join our Kids1st team. Your bubbly personality and joy for life is inspiring! You love these children at Kids1st, and your enthusiasm for teaching them is truly putting Jesus' handsand feet in action. Thanks for the conversations, for listening to me cry, for hugging me when I needed one, and for sharing our cubicle area that is so chilly and cold!! I wish you an abundnace of blessings in the years ahead, and I know that the Lord will pour our His lavish love on you. Your children are terrific....I love each of them, and I'll miss Em's hugs at work!!

Laura, you were also an answer to prayer when you joined our staff. You have insight and wisdom beyond your years. I miss you already, but I know that God is leading your family into a brand new exciting adventure! I can't wait to hear of all that He is doing in Paul's new position. I pray blessings over each of the children, and I look forward to keeping in touch. Thank you for all you did to help Kids1st! Thanks, also, for the great LS discussions! Wanna drive back down here each week to take it again?

Kim, I'm so glad I got the opportunity to know you the past few months. We're fortunate to have you as our Nursery Coordinator. Those babies and their parents have a great advocate working for them!

There are so many children at Crossroads who have produced many moments that have taken my breath away. In 2007 alone, more than 80 children gave their lives to Christ for the first time!! At Kidz Blitz LIVE just a few weeks ago, it was 49! I have loved teaching at first time doing object lessons, and I STILL believe the ice cream one on waiting was the absolute best one, even though one kid did cry because she didn't get to eat any!

I have been blessed beyond measure to meet and come into contact with people who dedicate their lives each day to seeing the Lord move in the lives of children: David & Teesha Laflin, the Go Fish guys, Steve Brogan, Chris Booth, Josh Dowdy, Tiffany Robison, there are so many more. Each of these people have encouraged me, worked with me, and helped make my job so much better.

To the parents of all the amazing Kids1st kids....I can not begin to thank you enough for the privelege and the joy of working with your children. Words can't describe how much I have loved sharing and ministering the love of Jesus to your kids!!

To all our volunteers, THANK YOU. Without you, nothing we do is possible. You make it all worthwhile. You sacrifice your time, your efforts and your energy to make sure our children have a safe and welcoming place to be. THANK YOU.

To all the former Dream Team and CAST members I've worked with, I love each and every one of you, and I pray God's blessings on your families.

To Crossroads: you've simply taken my breath away.

With Bittersweet Love and Much Respect

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How's THIS for Confirmation??

Hi Everyone!! If you're not a Christ-follower, you probably won't believe this and reduce it to a simple coincidence. That's ok if you want to, but for ME, I choose to believe this was God's confirmation for me. I HOPE you read yesterday's blog posting...if you didn't, PLEASE read it before finishing this one.....really....go it!!

Now that you're back (if you ever left), I want to share about an email devotion I opened and read late last night. My jaw just dropped. I PROMISE that I read it HOURS after I posted on the blog!! I have it subscribed at my personal email address, so I typically only check it at night once I have chilled out a bit from the day. In the Inbox, I found a devotion whose title was "There is a Season." If you remember, yesterday's post was called Turn Turn Turn and referred to The Byrds song with that line in it. That got my curiosity going, so I read the devotion and just about had that cow my mom was supposed to have had yesterday. In its entirety, here's yesterday's email devotion, "There is a Season".

I heard a song on the radio that made me think about the dreams we all hold dear to us. You know what dream I’m talking about – the one you always talk about but just can’t seem to achieve. Maybe it’s finishing your education. Maybe it’s learning to play a musical instrument. Or maybe it’s getting fit. Whatever your dream is, it isn't going to get done if it only remains a dream. What turns dreams into reality can be summed up in one word… action! This brings me back to that song I heard on the radio.

It was a hit song recorded by The Byrds back in 1965 called “Turn! Turn! Turn!” The song’s lyrics were actually adapted from the Bible, and it’s one of those songs you recognize immediately when you hear it. The part of the song that made me think about unrealized dreams can be found in the chorus: “To everything, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time for every purpose under heaven.” As you read those words, consider the following questions: Regarding your dream, is this the season? Regarding your dream, is this the time? The reality is that this can be the time and the season for your dream IF you make it happen. So, what do you say? Do I have any takers, or am I just talking to The Byrds here?

So, my friends, tell me....coincidence or confirmation??? How COOL is that??

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Turn, Turn, Turn

Well, God bless Google! I was gonna title this posting "The Turtles on My Mind Today". But it turns out, it should have been "The Byrds". Oh well, this will make sense--I promise! (Anybody know what song The Turtles are famous for??)

Go back in time with me, remember the song by The Turtles called "Turn, Turn, Turn"? No? Hmmmm....remember the song by The Byrds called "Turn, Turn, Turn"? Yes? Ok, we're on the right track now!! Sooooo..

The lyrics are quite Biblical: "To everything, turn turn turn; There is a season, turn turn turn; and a time to every purpose under Heaven." Then it goes on to list a time to be born, a time to die, etc. etc. You DO remember the song, right? If you don't, you might wanna check out LifeSkills. Whhhooo hoooo!! I got you on that one!! Haven't mentioned LS in a long time!!

ANYway, I guess this is the point of my posting today, if there truly is a time for every purpose under Heaven, then if there is a time to come, there is a time to go. If there is a time to enter, there is a time to exit.

You read of my really tough night on Sunday night as Jeff and I parted ways. What I couldn't share was that there was so much more going on under the surface that also finally came together on Sunday.

I believe that God is a God of timing. His timing and mine don't always seem to align, but when it does, it's a powerful thing. For weeks, I've been feeling restless, and I haven't known why.

In my session with Teresa last Monday, I was sharing thoughts of leaving Crossroads and going to find another job...of course, I had no idea what that might be! I shared that it was becoming apparent that I had been removed from the "body" as a whole and that my worship was beginning to suffer. I couldn't take classes, couldn't join small group meetings, couldn't just enjoy getting up on a Sunday morning and "just going to church" anymore. She encouraged me to just continue to pray about where the restlessness was coming and to share more when I came back this Monday.

Little did I know, but the Lord was paving a pathway, even while Teresa and I were speaking. When I got home, I checked my email, and there was a message from a dear friend and former employer asking if I knew of anyone who might possibly be interested in my former position at that agency. I called her that night, made a few jokes about coming back, and we agreed to think about it.

Talk about timing!! Over the next few days, the Lord made it abundantly clear that His timing was a lot sooner than I'd thought! I never envisioned leaving this position at Crossroads! I guess I thought I might grow old developing cool ideas for unique events for our children. Maybe I'd be a 75 year old granny wheeling in my chair, rockin' out to Go Fish!!

But, that doesn't appear to be the Lord's plan for me at this time! So, with great sadness and a good bit of heartache, but with also much anticipation, I am officially announcing that I have turned in my letter of resignation to Crossroads. My last day working will be Friday, August 15th. Ahhh, I'm gonna miss my boys and girls....all the parents who've entrusted me to find family-focused events, plan them and make them great fun times....all the AMAZING volunteers: our teachers, our assistants, our worship leaders, our Ambassadors, our Dream Team, my crazy DreamCAST, the teenagers who've helped assist with events....and not to mention the staff of Crossroads. They are a tremendous bunch of people, and I love them dearly, especially the one that got me unhooked from a bench that first day of'll always be my hero!! hehehehe!!

I want to be very clear and make sure you know....I am NOT leaving Crossroads Church!! Far from it! I actually hope to be MORE involved (ohhh, my mom's having a cow now) in the life of the church once I have some down time and rest time. I want to be able to enjoy Bible studies again and maybe join a small group, so if you know of a great one or you're willing to let me join yours, let me know!!

"To everything, turn turn turn. There is a season, turn turn turn. And a time to every purpose under Heaven" ends my '60s The Byrds trip down memory lane!!

On to the '00s??? What IS this decade called??? Hmmmm well new song time!!!

"Who says, you can't go home? There's only one place they call me one of their own...a hometown girl born a rolling stone. Who says you can't go back, been all around the world and as a matter of fact, there's only one place left, I wanna go....who says you can't go home?"

THOMAS WOLFE, that's who!! But, he's dead now....has been for quite some time, and I'm about to prove him WRONG!! I AM going back home again. Back to The Arc of Cabarrus County!! I am so honored, privileged and excited to say that I'll be able to go back to The Arc to work with that awesome staff, and the incredibly amazing clients that are served there. For those of you who may not know, The Arc is an advocacy agency that works with and for people who have developmental disabilities (think Autism, Downs Syndrome, etc.) I'll still get to work with events like Operation Santa, dances, camp, Awards Night, etc. And boy, do I have the fundraising ideas, so get ready everyone....It's a New Day, I'm Going Home, and to everything, Turn, Turn Turn!!! My purpose under Heaven may be shifting, but I'm promised that God orders my steps, that He has a good plan for my future, and that He will never leave or desert me......who needs more than that??

I'm headin' home......

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Me Again!

Well, I'm not typically the greatest Joel Osteen fan, but I do subscribe to his daily devotional. There's nothing like a little extra encouragement to get your day started. I know I may sound a bit "cryptic" to some of you, but I just had to giggle at the timeliness of this devotional!! So, I'm going to share it with you....I hope it will bless someone today!! Rejoice in the God of the Suddenlies!!

Today's Scripture
“I foretold the former things long ago, My mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass” (Isaiah 48:3).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Our God is a God of the suddenlies! Suddenly, He can turn your situation around. Suddenly, He can give you the break you need. You may have been dealing with the same problem for ten years. It may look like it’s never going to change, but in a split second, God can totally resolve it. No matter how long it’s been, no matter what you’re facing, you’ve got to believe that God is full of surprises. One touch of His favor and He can move the wrong people out of your life and move the right people into your life. One touch of God’s favor and He can take you from having barely enough to having more than enough. You may not see how it’s all going to work out, but you don’t have to figure it all out. Your part is to simply believe; to get up each day in faith, expecting God’s favor. Expect something good to happen to you today. Expect God to surprise you. Remember, He’s a God of the suddenlies and He can suddenly turn around any situation you may be facing!

A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, today I come to You, giving You my cares and worries. I believe that You are working behind the scenes and expect You to suddenly turn things in my favor. Thank You for everything You are doing in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

It's a NEW Day!!

I don't want to share details, but God is so good, isn't He? He allows us to wake up each new day, and Scripture tells us that His mercies are new each day. So, in that light, I want to share a quick quote with you that touched my heart today when I read it. I will have lots more to post soon, and I'll give you a great big update when I can!! Be praying, warriors!! God is up to some amazing things!!

"We can never live in the past as if it were our true home...And it is a good thing that God draws this veil over the past even without our asking. In so doing, He allows us to live today for tomorrow with just the few memories we need of what was."

THAT is golden, my friends!!

Rejoicing along the journey,

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Hardest Word

Back in the 70s, I guess, Elton John had a song out that had a line in it that said "Sorry seems to be the hardest word." I think I'd like to nominate another word for the award for "hardest word." I think I'd like to nominate "Goodbye".

Have you ever been in a season of your life when it feels as if God is just ripping everything that you've ever trusted in, believed in, or found strength in out from under you? Do you remember seeing magicians do that trick where a table is all elaborately decorated with china, crystal and silverware, and he picks the edge of the tablecloth up and jerks it away, leaving every piece of tableware exactly where it was with nothing falling off?

Today, I feel like that table is my life, except once the tablecloth got jerked off, all the crystal shattered on the floor, the plates broke, and the food is all glopped up all over the floor.

What happened, you might ask? Well, I'll be honest. There are a few things going on that I'm not prepared just yet to discuss, so I'd ask that you just hold me in your prayers over the next week or so.

But the reason for "goodbye" being the hardest word? In addition to everything else swirling around in life, my boyfriend and I broke up last night. Many of you guys know Jeff, so if you see him, please give him a hug or ask how he's doing, ok? We were talking last night about how little time we've been able to spend with one another the past months. He's had work situations that have kept us apart, not to mention four kids! I've gone through all this panic stuff, and that's severely limited our ability to go "out" and really date when he has been able to be around. Now, campaign season is upon us, and my time is limited once more, so how can you really cultivate a relationship, especially one in which you love the other person, if you're not able to be with them? (If anyone knows that answer, could you let us know?)

It just seemed more and more apparent as we talked that we were both feeling the same pressures and the same strain on the relationship. The past 10 months have had their ups and downs, all relationships do, of course. But for those of you who don't know Jeff well, or think you know him, I want to share a few things that I was able to learn about him during the course of our relationship.

He has a kind, gentle and loving heart. He is a dad who is so devoted to his children, and he loves them tremendously. Though he's a big guy, he's truly a sensitive and caring person who has been hurt in life (haven't we all), but who tries to do his best for his kids. Yes, he makes mistakes, and yes he is learning who he is and who God says he is. But, he never once gave me reason to doubt that he loved me. He supported me and encouraged me, and he always wanted my best. He was a true friend to me, even though his choice in college basketball teams left a lot to be desired. If I ever needed to hear an "I love you", "You can do it", or "I'm here for you", or if I ever needed an early morning wake up call "just because", Jeff was always there to share it. He loves his God, and he loves Jesus, and he has a heart for worshipping, and I've been able to learn a lot from him in that area.

So, my friends, I believe that "Goodbye" just might be the hardest word......
