Good Morning Everyone!
I'm revelling in my post-"24" returns joy! As one of my friends said last night, "Once you go Jack, you'll never go back!" If you don't watch the most awesome show on television, you should start!! "24" is action-packed and intense, but it is without question one of the best written shows out there. (Not to mention, Kiefer Sutherland ain't too bad on the eyes!)
I thought I'd share the quote that was on my desk calendar today, and just let you know that it really spoke to my heart this morning.
"There's a rhythm to life. What we do has eternal consequences, and you've got to have faith that whatever job you're given, it matters."
I really needed to read that this morning, and it was such a gift to me. You see, just yesterday, my buddy Tim and I were talking about his trip to Nashville to the Children's Pastors Conference (CPC). We talked about the presenters, the worship, the vendors, etc. and we definitely talked about my favorite, Go Fish. They've just come out with a fabulous new VBS curriculum based on their music and getting kids back into the Bible.
If I were still at Crossroads, developing the FAM JAM program (we got rid of VBS in order to bring families together) was in my job description. Tim and I worked closely to produce and develop and bring it to fruition in years past. In watching the video promo for the Go Fish curriculum, I got a little weepy because I realized that I wouldn't be able to make this happen at Crossroads for the first time in several years. It just broke my heart to see the kids worshiping and excited and really getting back into the Bible.
I was sharing that with Tim and he said something to me that will stick with me for some time. He said, "Kara, you have to remember that God DID place a call on your life to minister to children. You felt it, responded to it, and you walked in it in a really fine way. Regardless of what other people may say about whether you are or aren't called to minister to children, you were and you know it. The tears were there to remind you that the call is still there, even if you've had to step outside the calling for a time. But somewhere down the road, the opportunity will present itself again. All you have to do is be ready to answer, use your time wisely in the meantime and build a few tents." (For those of you who may not know what that means, go check out the life of Paul while he was ministering and spreading the Good News.)
I've really wrestled with why God would bring me to a place of ministering to children, which is my ultimate dream and desire in a "work setting", only to pull me out of that place in such dramatic fashion. I've questioned if the call was real. I've doubted my abilities and my purpose this past year. Those of you who've read the blog from the beginning must be well-aware of that by now! But the good news is that His mercies are new every morning, and God PROMISES that He knows the plans that He has for me and and that those plans to give me HOPE and to give me a FUTURE.
Hmmm... so if He knows my future, that means He knows where He's leading me. I guess that also means that HE knows when and if I'll go back into ministry. (Kinda like He knows when and if I'll get married. When and if I'll be a mom. When and if I'll ever be a size 4. When and if the Tar Heels are gonna win the National Championship again. When and if Jack Bauer's ever going to retire to Concord and meet a young woman named Kar....oh never mind.)
Enjoy your job and where He has you, as I'm enjoying mine.
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