Friday, March 6, 2009

What are YOU Waiting For? How are you waiting?

My Beloved Blogger Family!

Waiting....should that not be 4 letter word? How many of us at this exact moment are waiting for something? Waiting to get married. Waiting to get the test results back. Waiting for the baby to be delivered. Waiting for our prayers to be answered. Waiting for the stop light to change. (If you're me, that one can be SO irritating!)

The Bible has a lot to say about waiting. I guess the reason for that is that, so often, we want things to move at our pace. We want things when we want them. We live in a "have it your way" society. I think we want God to be a "have it your way" God. We want Him to move in the way we want and in the timing in which we want something to happen. When it doesn't, we become frustrated, angry and, Heaven help us, even resentful.

I will admit to being one of the ones who struggles with waiting. I guess it's those "big" things that I think that I need in my life. Marriage. Family. Children. Six figure income. (Ha! Ok, that one's a BIG joke considering my desires to serve in ministry and non-profit sector.)

Biblical waiting is not just sitting back, kicking your shoes off, and watching life go by hoping that, some day, the things you desire will come to you. Far from it. Waiting is a implies action. So something has to happen WHILE I'm waiting for those dreams to come true or for my prayers to be answered. I think that God will have much to say about what happened along the journey as we wait.

If you want to hear a great song about this point, please check out the video that's posted here. I found this cd from a new artist, John Waller, almost a year and a half ago, and I fell in love with this song. It's getting a lot of airplay now as a result of the movie "Fireproof". It's all about how I hope God finds me while I'm waiting....

When you consider the things you are wanting to hurry up and happen, reflect on the words from the Prophet Isaiah: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

While I'm Waiting,

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