I wasn't sure my little corner of the blogosphere would still be here when I came back for it! But here it is, and there you are! My readers! So glad to see you again...I've missed you!
So, so much has gone on in the past year or so since I've written, and I must confess, I find myself aching to write again, so here we grow again! My hope is that, as you read these posts, especially if you read from the beginning, you'll see a tremendous amount of growth and change in me over these months away.
Growth, in the sense of some spiritual maturity and just life knowledge. As I type this, hard as it is to believe, I am just a few days away from turning 40 years old! My how time flies, but these grey hairs in my head certainly attest to the "sands through the hour glass" streaming away.
I'm a member of a new church now, called The Village. (Feel free to check us out at www.thevillagechurch.us) I'm responsible for all the communications that goes on, and while I'm certainly not perfect in all I do there, I'm enjoying learning new avenues for my responsibilities. This year, I'll be taking over the newsletter and the website (that oughta be fun), as well as continuing the weekly e-blast update that comes out. I'm also helping to plan monthly fellowship events called "The Village Potluck", and I serve on three leadership committees, so my time is quite taken up with meetings, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the people I serve with and beside. It's finally become a joy to serve in a church setting again.
Change, in several realms of my life. I suppose the first and foremost of these is in my physical well-being. In October of last year, I made a very difficult decision to have gastric bypass surgery. Trust me, ANYbody who tells you this is the "easy way out" has either never had the surgery or needs his/her brain operated on! Easy? No way. Effective? Definitely; if you follow the guidelines. As of this morning, I've lost a slight bit over 70 pounds. Now, if I could just get my butt moving more, the pounds would pour off easier. (Someone out there owes me an elliptical machine,....if you happen to know (or BE) that person......I'm just sayin'! But you still rock!)
I'm still working at The Arc....love the clients, love my co-workers, and love many aspects of my job. It's not what I'm supposed to "do" for the rest of my life, but it's where God has placed me for such a time as this, and so I choose to do my best to make the most of it. Now, if anyone KNOWS what it is that I'm supposed to be doing with the rest of my life, could ya give a girl a clue, here?
Last year, The Old Courthouse Theatre produced a play called "The Boys Next Door" about a group of young men with developmental/intellectual disabilities. The Arc was able to sponsor a benefit performance of the production. What a blessing it was!! I met some amazing people, and have a newly adopted family of theater performers! That has been SUCH A BLAST!! I used to hang around the Theater folks in school, but not really since then, so I've had a great time getting to know everyone at OCT. If you haven't been to a local theater production, especially at OCT, I highly encourage you to do so. Go check them out at www.oldcourthousetheatre.org You'll be mightly glad you did!
Gee, what else? Ummmm, I'm a Bears fan now! DA BEARS! (Just a random, thrown in there.)
I've really stepped away from politics, although I will offer an opinion here....Hey! It's my blog, and I can post what I want! LOL The recent tragedy in Tuscon is dispicable and shows the worst of our society. The rhetoric, vitriole and hatred those on the extreme right and left spew is just nothing short of useless. Surely, the American people are better than this. Don't we want our representatives to fight for our beliefs? Of course, we do. But, we must, we must find ways to do it that will keep the political pundits who make their living stirring up dissention and discord at bay. How? I wish I knew....my prayer is that we can begin today. I think it's a great idea that the House of Reps will be bi-partisan seating during this year's State of the Union address....hoping no idiot shouts out "You Lie!" again, but that's just my personal plug there.
It's basketball season....oh, my Tar Heels!! Bless your sweet little, trying, hearts!
Oh, back to the Bears...HOTlacher!!!
For those of you who will ask, Mom & Dad are doing great! Mom's still working as the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County, and Dad is King of the Honey-Do list (and the Kara-Do and the Mother-in-law-Do lists!)
For that 40th Birthday Party, let me just add that you're all more than welcome to attend! It's gonna be on Saturday, January 29th from 2-4:30 PM @ The Village Church; check the website for address/directions. No gifts necessary, unless ya just want to! Cards are great for me! We're gonna have a great time, celebrating ME being "Fierce, Fabulous & 40!" So none of that "over the hill" junk!
Updates, updates, I know that's all this is. So I'm going to wrap up with an invitation to go check out a video testimony I shared in church a few months ago. If you want to, feel free to mosey on over to http://vimeo.com/channels/thevillagechurch#17313483 and scroll to the 26 minute mark or so. First time I've ever shared my testimony in church in a large group setting!
I am in a writing mood....so you faithful readers know what that means. I write a lot! So, expect some new updates along the way. I'm definitely MORE than a beautiful mess now!!
Love y'all along the journey,
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