Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Living in the "Dash"
Tar Heel Born & Bred
1971 - ?
(***Confession---this blog post has yet to be edited. I've got a burden to share these words right now, so I'm posting without editing....anything spelled incorrectly, poor grammar, etc. will be corrected when I get back to it tomorrow! I hope you'll overlook anything like that, and just hear my heart. Thanks. Kara)
A lot of life goes on between the dash. Laughter. Tears. Joy. Sorrows. Giggling and cooing. Toddling around. First words. First loves. First heartbreaks. Good decisions. Poor decisions. Regrets. Health battles. Losing loved ones. Grief. Friends. Loves lost. Rejections.
I suppose that it's up to each of us how we choose to live our own dash. Will we become world famous leaders, poets, mine workers, secretaries, mommies, friends, lovers, athletes, etc.?
I've spent many a year, and I would suspect that most of us do, wasting the time that my dash represents. In recent weeks, however, I've decided to take better stock of how I'm using my dash. In my favorite poem, "Desiderata", there's a line that says we should "take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth."
In the Bible, there was another person who reflected back on the folly of his youth and much of his life, King Solomon. Solomon, as you may recall, was the son of King David. He was wealthy beyond compare. He had multiple wives and concubines. Servants galore. Palaces. Gold. Silver. Livestock. Land. All the things that money (and wars) could afford a king. Yet Solomon, reknown for his wisdom recorded in Proverbs searched over his vast kingdom and all that he had amassed, and in the book of Ecclesiastes, he records the following:
"Smoke, nothing but smoke. There's nothing to anything—it's all smoke. What's there to show for a lifetime of work, a lifetime of working your fingers to the bone? One generation goes its way, the next one arrives, but nothing changes—it's business as usual for old planet earth. The sun comes up and the sun goes down, then does it again, and again—the same old round. The wind blows south, the wind blows north. Around and around and around it blows, blowing this way, then that—the whirling, erratic wind. Everything's boring, utterly boring—no one can find any meaning in it. Boring to the eye, boring to the ear. What was will be again, what happened will happen again. There's nothing new on this earth. Year after year it's the same old thing. Does someone call out, "Hey, this is new"? Don't get excited—it's the same old story. Nobody remembers what happened yesterday. And the things that will happen tomorrow? Nobody'll remember them either. Don't count on being remembered." (The Message)
Sounds like Solomon had a serious case of the "poor pitiful me's". (Luckily they make medicines for people with these kinds of moods now!) Solomon is basically saying that, despite all he had accomplished through the course of his life, it was all pretty much meaningless. What he was failing to take into consideration was the power and the joy in a life fulfilled by allowing God to bring you to a full awakening of all we are meant to be in Him.
Serving others, giving back to others, encouraging them, listening to them, providing counsel, etc. when you are not operating out of the overflow of the Holy Spirit is nothing but smoke. Our efforts are in vain, and we are not effective in our attempts to minister to those around us. If we are to be light to this hurting world, we must take seriously our own individual spiritual growth and development.
How do we do this? I believe the secret is found in cultivating a lifestyle of worship. Worship is something we've distorted and shrunk to fit into our "one size fits all" society. Most people would define worship as singing in church to a particular style of music. After all, it carries the name "praise and worship", so that must be it, right? Well, yes and no. Of course, singing is a part of worship, as long as it is done in spirit and truth, with the right motives. It's certainly not about "flipping on a switch" on Sunday morning, checking in at church with all our friends, saying a prayer, dropping some money in the offering plate and then running out at 11:58 to get to the buffet line before the Baptists do.
Worship is, and should be, a lifestyle. It's what I do. It's who I am. It consumes me. When I wake up in the morning, I'm already conversing with God, because He wakes me with a song already in my mind. I welcome the morning by saying "good morning" to Him, and I begin to ask Him to be with me throughout the day. My morning devotions, prayer and quiet time alone with Him are the sweetest parts of my day. I never say "Amen" during a prayer, because I don't believe that prayer should ever stop. He's the dearest, most trusted friend I have, or ever will have, so why would I need to put an end to it? As I'm driving, I'm singing, thanking Him for His creation, asking Him to bless the person who almost totalled my car (yes, that was yesterday), etc. At work, I'm working for Him, even though I'm in a secular job. I know that what I'm doing is blessing Him because I'm focusing on being a blessing to my co-workers and the people I work for.
A lifestyle of worship is not difficult. It's simply a matter of being present. Present in the moment so that you can recognize the people who God places in your path. Present so that you can give back to Him, and present so that He can constantly be refilling your earthly vessel. Then, out of the overflow, we can give to others. It's really that simple.
In looking back over the course of my life, I pray that I will be able to come to a different conclusion than did Solomon. I pray that my dash will be far from smoke. I hope that I've been able (and will continue to be able) to make an eternal difference in the lives of many of the people I've met along this journey home.
Making Heaven a Bit More Crowded,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Has it REALLY been 4 Months??
While in conversation with my friend, Ann, the other evening, we hit on a topic quite similar to what my favorite single author (Hudson Davis) writes about in this article. I'm sharing because it speaks to where I am in my singleness and I think it relates to many who walk the same path.
**IF YOU'RE NOT SINGLE: Please read it anyway. You know someone who is. I promise you that they feel the sting at times, and I promise you they also struggle with how to answer all the questions. Enjoy & learn.
The Myth of Simplicity - Part 1
Hudson Russell Davis
Some of you have wondered if I do not speak so much of God's part in this affair that I remove human responsibility. This is not the case.
It is not that we can do nothing but if you are like me you have done an awful lot and seen little fruit. This is why, for me, the well-meaning phrases only open old wounds. This is why the many books that promise several steps, or worse, several easy steps to finding a mate--bother me. This is what I call the myth of simplicity.
The myth of simplicity suggests that relationships--getting married--should be simple. But simple is what you expect when you see the words "plug and play" and no relationship is plug and play. Simple is what you expect when you pick up a guide for "dummies" and the beauty of Christian marriage was never meant for dummies.
The myth of simplicity suggests that relationships should be simple. The very question, "Why aren't you married yet?" seems to demand an easy answer, a simple answer--an answer that doesn't require long moments of soul searching and prayer. Nobody can accept the simplest of all answers, "I don't know." So we stutter, shuffle our feet, and answer, "Well because..." And whatever we might say is simply designed to appease the simple question--to bring a moment's reprieve from the questioner.
Those who ask seem to presume that it is possible to boil all of life down into a few simple phrases. They ask because they are not comfortable with our singleness. And to be honest, we are not always comfortable with our singleness. This is why we seek the easy answers--any way out.
The myth of simplicity suggests that coming to understand the "why" of singleness would mean the end of singleness. It is the scientific approach to relationships, the natural approach to relationships. I am not suggesting that we cannot improve ourselves. I am not suggesting that there aren't perfectly good things we can do to be more "fit" for marriage. But I deny that these things, as good as they are, work with mathematical precision.
If you become mature you do not automatically find a husband or wife but please--mature.
If you give up that sin you may not immediately find a husband or wife but please--give up that sin.
The myth of simplicity suggests that relationships should be simple and in a perfect world they would be. I suppose in a perfect world all things would be simple; the ground would not resist us, childbirth would be less painful, and we would be naked without shame. But the answer to the question "Why am I not married?" is a little difficult to give. I could sooner understand the goings and coming of the Spirit of God or catch and hold the wind in my frail hands.
No woman has ever called me ugly and all have considered me a man of faith. Still some have thought me too radical in my faith. Some have balked because I did not make enough money or lacked power while others were intimidated by my erudition (look it up). I have been too much of something and too little of some other thing to the point that I have little faith in the changes I can make to win a wife.
I have lost faith that things are as easy as some suggest. Which is good, because that was a bad place to rest faith.
I have had people tell me they have to wash their hair, that they would be free in a "couple of months," while others--just "don't know." The ones who "just don't know" have been the most numerous and the most painful for the very reason that the provide no answers as to "why?" For all these reasons and many that I either do not know or cannot articulate--I am still single. Which is perhaps why I have grown a bit cynical in regard to the easy answers or the simple steps. What has grown over time is my faith in His love for me and His regard for my desires.
The myth of simplicity suggests that relationships should be simple but it has not been simple for me--perhaps not for you. I have taken each failed relationship with varying maturity but they have all hurt. All these relational collisions have led in the same direction--to the search for a simple answer. They have all led to the search for that one thing, or several things if need be, that will gain me the object of my desire. This is what Peter Gabriel calls "the fruitless searches."
The "fruitless searches" lead us to the varied counselors who speak of the "10 Steps to Finding the Perfect Mate," or the "Seven Steps to Being the Perfect Mate," or the "Four Steps to Contentment in Singleness." All these books and every page in them infers that all we need is to do this or do that. All we need are the right answers and the right methods, the proper steps and the full application and all will be well with our souls. It all sounds so simple.
The truth is that they make it seem so easy that after reading I wonder even more what is wrong with me and why love tarries. If it is so simple then why has it been so difficult for me? If it is so simple then what is the complication. And if I am not careful the carousel of reason will eventually return all blame to the one constant in the equation--me.
Oh I know no one writes these books with the intention of pouring salt in open wounds or ripping bandages from a healing cut. They are well meaning people who care and hope to help singles. But they unwittingly offer spoiled meat to starving souls and must not see the sickness they leave.
Relationships should not be as complicated as sin has made them but they should not be as simple as 1-2-3. It is a monumental decision that does not come about from two minutes in the microwave or a few properly administered methods. At the core of each Christians life is a belief, a confident faith that God is working on our behalf. So we try and try and try knowing that we want only what is of Him. This is the simplicity I embrace.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It's been a few weeks since I've updated you on the latest happenings in this crazy life of mine, so I thought I'd take a few minutes and share some insights. I recently posted a thought on Face Book that says, "I live in my own little world. But it's ok, they know me here." A friend wrote back and said it must be called "Kara-ville", so I guess this is the story of life in "Kara-ville".
I've learned recently that Kara-ville is filled with twists and turns, mountains and valleys and one heck of a long tunnel. Now, I didn't see the tunnel being constructed, but I know it exists there, because I have recently come out of that tunnel and have started to see the light of day once more. Kara-ville is actually a beautiful place with gorgeous Carolina Blue skies, sunshiney days and Spring is in the air.
This tunnel was not a particularly enjoyable road to travel; however, I must share with you all that a lot of lessons have been learned while in the tunnel. I just received an email from an old friend, not old in years mind you, but old in the sense of not having seen him in several years, asking about starting a blog. It has caused me to go back in time to when I first began this blog and what its purpose was for me.
One of the first lessons you learn in any Literature class is to "know your audience". Who are you writing for? What do they want to know about what you're writing? How can you best describe for them what you want to share with them? My audience is wide-ranging: family from across North Carolina, Texas and South Carolina, Crossroads family, co-workers, Mom's office staff, people from my political life, people I've run across in various charity work I've done, etc. These people cross all socioeconomic backgrounds and are as diverse as they are special.
I've been honored that you would read, comment and most importantly pray for me as you've read these postings. In June or so of 2008 when they first began, I was quite a shattered woman: panic attacks had come back for the first time since college, I was dealing with a life-changing job loss and the hit to my self-esteem that carried with it, I was ending an almost 2 year relationship, mom was in the middle of another campaign, I had tried to burn my house down (accidentally, of course), Mom was just coming off treatment for breast cancer, gosh there was more, but I'm tired of typing!! Suffice it to say, 2008 was a year I don't really care to revisit....it was just altogether too much!
However, what I've also learned is that all the pressures of the past year sent my body into a tunnel of depression. When I--and remember this is KARA we're talking about here 'cause ya'll know me--stopped going out with friends to movies or dinners or ball games or concerts, stopped having groups in my house for dinner parties, stopped shopping, stopped making a bazillion phone calls every night to check in on friends and loved ones, I should have realized something was wrong. The sad thing about a clinical depression is that sometimes it takes an outside source to see things for how they really are.
I am so blessed to say that's happened, and that the tunnel is now passed through. Kara-ville is, once again, a beautiful place to be. Though I'm taking one day at a time, I'm also taking time to enjoy the beautiful things in life. No longer does my self-worth depend on the job I'm working at, the acheivements and accomplishments in life, whether I'll ever be a size 2 (Ha! Don't count on that one!), whether I'll find that perfect love I long for, etc. My worth comes from the fact that I simply AM. I am who I was created to be....Kara. And forgive me for the SNL reference, but I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!!
There have been so many lessons learned going through the tunnel, along the twists and turns and in the valleys, but as I journey along this path of life, I do believe we're called to remember the people who have helped get us where we are. You, dear readers, are part of my journey. I love each of you, and I'm blessed that you take your time to read, comment, pray and be my friend.
Do Good Things,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"According to the Kind Intentions"
Hi Bloggers!
As most of my loyal readers know, I will, from time to time, post articles from guest writers. One of my favorites is Hudson Russell Davis, a Ph.D. candidate at St. Louis University, who is studying historical theology. Hudson is single, and he writes most eloquently about singleness and the inherent struggles involved, as well as where faith comes in to play in the single life. I hope you enjoy this. If you're not single, please read it anyway...I think you'll appreciate his insights.
"In many ways, the message to singles is no different than the message to those in other stages of life. Whether married or single, divorced or widowed, whether young or old, all want to know that the Lord they serve cares.
We desire this because if He cares, then the circumstances of our lives lie within His powerful and capable hands. Things do not automatically make sense, but there is peace in knowing He cares.
It is most important that we think rightly about God before we attempt to think rightly about out circumstances. [Please read that again.] All knowledge of life should flow from our understanding of God. All assessment of the way things are should be done in light of who God is.
I say this because most of our troubles lie not in how we conceive our circumstances but in how we conceive God. If we are confused in our conception of God our perception of our circumstances will be warped. If our circumstances dictate our understanding of God, He will be nothing more than a shifting shadow. And this is not our God. Rather, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).
Does He care? The answer to this basic question is the foundation of all hope, all praise, and all thanksgiving. If He does not care then it seems utterly ridiculous for those who suffer to obey when Paul writes, "... give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1Th. 5:18).
If the circumstances are what matter, if they are to shape our thinking, then it is more than absurd to say to those in misery, "Give thanks!" It is simply insulting. Give thanks for what?
If circumstances determine our praise, then we praise when things are good and revile when times are hard. This is natural.
If circumstances determine our praise, then we raise our voices when we win and hurl curses when we lose.
If circumstances determined our praise, then we as singles would wait until we have crossed the threshold before we declared His glory. Only the married should give thanks. But they will tell you it is not any easier to give thanks in that place than in this.
If circumstances determined our praise, then even the married might refrain until death had proven the enduring quality of their vows.
But if praise and thanksgiving is indeed "God's will for [us] in Christ Jesus" then it must indeed be in "all circumstances." This giving thanks is contentment marked by confidence in WHO God is. There is no other way to be content in "whatever the circumstances" than to trust that God loves us in all circumstances (Phil. 4:11).
We begin first with our perception of God, and then we move to our circumstances.
We first orient our minds towards the nature of our God, and then consider our circumstances.
We first declare WHO HE IS, and then we attempt to understand the place in which we find ourselves.
We don't give thanks FOR the circumstances; we give thanks IN the circumstances.
Sometimes He lays us down in green pastures.
Sometimes He leads us besides still waters.
And sometimes He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death.
"So," you ask, "where is the restoration of soul He promised?"
It is coming. But first take this and drink it. It may be bitter on your lips, may be hard to swallow, but it will be sweet to your soul. He cares for you and your lack of husband or wife is no evidence to the contrary.
There would be no need to cause all things to work together for good if all things were Good. So He is in all circumstances bringing us to green pastures and still waters. He is in all things working to restore our souls that we might walk in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
In Ephesians we are told that, "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will. ..." (Eph. 1:5). Take your eyes off your circumstances and drink in the fact that His willing our salvation was an act of kindness. We are told that He does this because of the "glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved" (Eph. 1:6).
Put down your dispute for a moment and consider that no one forced His hand. His offer of grace and His acceptance of us were done "freely." He has acted in Love. In the same way He forgave our sins "according to the riches of His grace. ..." (Eph. 1:7). But don't stop there.
Scripture tells us that our Lord's "kind intention" led Him to "freely bestow" "the richness of His grace" which He then "lavished upon us" (Eph. 1:8).
Consider these facts when you consider your circumstances.
Consider this first as you come to know God and THEN turn and see your circumstances.
Consider the God of kind intentions, lavished love and rich grace, freely bestowed.
What I love and what brings me peace during this time of loneliness and longing is the intensity with which Paul communicates this simple truth about our God. He does not code his message nor does he allow the myriad possible circumstances to mitigate his message. Whatever else may be going on, the one constant is a God who is able to calm the storm. It is not the waves but we who have trouble hearing when He whispers, "Peace! Be still" (Mk. 4:39)! The water is calm, but our hearts are still troubled.
I have no idea what you are going through. I know only my own struggle to give thanks. I know only my own struggle to believe and confess that He cares. But the overwhelming testimony of Scripture is that HE CARES!
What we need most to trust is the "kind intention of His will."
What we need most to know is that He cares.
What we need most to know is that He gives freely!
What we need most to know is that He gives lavishly!
While we do not have what we want, the circumstances are louder than the whispered truths. And the circumstances make sense when they speak. They whisper the content of our hurting hearts. They breathe with honesty what we would not think to say out loud. But they speak faithlessness. They speak hopelessness and show an ignorance of God. They are to be answered in the same way Jesus answered His tempter during His time in the desert, "It is written. ..."
Then, having considered God we can consider our circumstances and give thanks not FOR our circumstances but IN our circumstances. We are not left as orphans (Jn. 14:18). The circumstances do not define God, do not define our lives, nor should they limit our praise. Give thanks always, because even the air we breathe has been lavished upon us."
Friday, March 6, 2009
What are YOU Waiting For? How are you waiting?
Waiting....should that not be 4 letter word? How many of us at this exact moment are waiting for something? Waiting to get married. Waiting to get the test results back. Waiting for the baby to be delivered. Waiting for our prayers to be answered. Waiting for the stop light to change. (If you're me, that one can be SO irritating!)
The Bible has a lot to say about waiting. I guess the reason for that is that, so often, we want things to move at our pace. We want things when we want them. We live in a "have it your way" society. I think we want God to be a "have it your way" God. We want Him to move in the way we want and in the timing in which we want something to happen. When it doesn't, we become frustrated, angry and, Heaven help us, even resentful.
I will admit to being one of the ones who struggles with waiting. I guess it's those "big" things that I think that I need in my life. Marriage. Family. Children. Six figure income. (Ha! Ok, that one's a BIG joke considering my desires to serve in ministry and non-profit sector.)
Biblical waiting is not just sitting back, kicking your shoes off, and watching life go by hoping that, some day, the things you desire will come to you. Far from it. Waiting is a verb...it implies action. So something has to happen WHILE I'm waiting for those dreams to come true or for my prayers to be answered. I think that God will have much to say about what happened along the journey as we wait.
If you want to hear a great song about this point, please check out the video that's posted here. I found this cd from a new artist, John Waller, almost a year and a half ago, and I fell in love with this song. It's getting a lot of airplay now as a result of the movie "Fireproof". It's all about how I hope God finds me while I'm waiting....
When you consider the things you are wanting to hurry up and happen, reflect on the words from the Prophet Isaiah: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
While I'm Waiting,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thanks for hanging in there for the past week or so with no posting. I'm sorry, but I have had an experience that has rocked my world...literally! Last Thursday morning around 4AM, I woke up to my world spinning out of control...again, literally! I had a horrible case of vertigo. Lots of fluid behind my ear drums that has affected my balance for a week now. It is not something I'd wish on anyone! Please keep me in your prayers for healing. I'm trusting in His powers to heal, but His timetable is making me wonder! "How about NOW, Lord?"
Anyway, I ran across a quote today that I thought was pretty great, so here it is:
"There are years that ask questions, and years that answer."
I wonder if you've had that experience? I truly believe that 2008 was a year fraught with questions for me in so many areas of life. From my sense of self-worth, to performance and goal expectations, to my relationship with Christ and others, where I fit at Crossroads, how others perceive me and whether I even care about that (or care too much!), this past year was full of questions.
So what will 2009 bring? Well, for one, I am certain I am beginning to get some answers. This past week, I decided it was time to take control of my health. (The truth is, no one else is responsible for this vessel of mine, and while for the past 38 years of my life, I've not treated it as the temple that it is supposed to be, it is finally time to take charge of my health and well-being.) So, I had several appointments at the doctor's office this week, and have been poked and prodded and donated enough blood to keep Dracula happy for a month or so. I had that lovely female exam.....does that ever get easier? Next week, I'll be raising up my offering on to the lovely boob masher machine....gosh I hope that doesn't hurt too much....to have a baseline for future exams. (Those of you who have family history and you're in your mid-late 30s, follow my lead and do the same!) Answers are coming in the areas of health. All is well.
I continue on the path of healing in the mental/emotional/spiritual realms as well. Many answers are coming to light there as well. I've recently had a much-needed series of conversations with a person very important to my past and how I've seen myself over the past 8 years or so. So much guilt and judgment I've placed on myself apparently was not necessary, and the realization of that has been freeing. I have learned that I looked at myself in a VERY negative light and took on responsibility for some things that were not how the other person looked at the situation. Answers are coming.
Anyway, there's SO much I could post here, but I need to get in to work today, so I'm going to stop for now. I encourage you to seek the answers in this year to the questions you've had about your life.
Much Love in the Journey,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Prelude to a Miracle
Months ago, when this blog first began, I promised you 100% authenticity. I said I'd be completely honest with how things were going in life, in my struggles (once again) with panic, and where I was on the journey toward wholeness and restoration.
So, in that promise, I'll share what's going on today. On the way in to the office, I began to feel those incredibly difficult, yet familiar feelings. The mind racing, the feelings of helplessness, the overwhelming urge to run toward safety. I truly would not wish this experience on the worst of my enemies. Well, maybe on Bin Laden, but that's another story.
I'm at the office, trying desperately to practice all those relaxation techniques that you learn along the way through therapy, online message boards, and discussions with friends and family. Deep breathing, slowly in through the nose, out through the mouth. Tensing up your fists for a few seconds and releasing them. Teresa even suggested "checking in with your toes" to see how they're doing. (I guess to get your mind on something other than the panicky thoughts.) I'm honestly grateful that no one's really around. I'm busying myself with some mindless work that doesn't require a lot of thought. That's a really good thing right now, because I'm not really sure I could put 2 and 2 together! My prayer is to survive and make it the whole day and not have to run home.
But here's the problem. Every time I experience this again, I begin to beat myself up, because I feel as if I'm taking another tremendous leap backwards. Why does this continue to happen? Why can't I move beyond this? Where is the healing that came so many years ago when this happened in college? Why me again? Why this again?
I just read a quote that I'm going to hold on to for a while: "We have to pray with our eyes on God and not on the difficulties." God bless Oswald Chambers, "Uncle O", as my friend John calls him. I always find myself focusing on the problem...the difficulties instead of on how great and powerful my God is. For some reason, the phrase "prelude to a miracle" came to mind. I truly hope that this is what all these experiences have been the past several months, a prelude to MY miracle!
Continue Praying as I Continue Journeying,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Song Remembers When
Hey Everyone!
Sorry that it's been a while since I've been on here. Work has been literally crazy, and I'll admit that I've just recently joined the network of millions of others who are connecting with one another on Facebook. (More on that in a bit.)
Several years ago, Trisha Yearwood recorded a song called "The Song Remembers When". The lyrics describe how a particular song triggers her to go back in time to when she was in a relationship and then think about all that comes with that, both the good times and the bad. Feel free to watch the video, then rejoin me as we look at some of the lyrics.
The first verse begins the story: "I was standin' at the counter. I was waitin' for the change. When I heard that old familiar music start. It was like a lighted match had been tossed into my soul . It was like a dam had broken in my heart. After taking ev'ry detour, gettin' lost and losin' track so that even if I wanted, I could not find my way back. After drivin' out the mem'ry of the way things might have been, after I'd forgotten all about us, the song remembers when.
(Bridge:)I guess somethin' must have happened, and we must have said goodbye, and my heart must have been broken, though I can't recall just why. The song remembers when. Well, for all the miles between us, and for all the time that's passed, you would think I haven't gotten very far. And I hope my hasty heart will forgive me just this once if I stop to wonder how on earth you are. But that's just a lot of water underneath a bridge I burned. And there's no use in backtrackin' around corners I have turned. Still I guess some things we bury are just bound to rise again, for even if the whole world has forgotten, the song remembers when. Yeah, and even if the whole world has forgotten, the song remembers when."
Whew! A lot of lyrics, I realize. This was a HUGE hit for Trisha, and it is one that I love. Do you have one of "those" songs? The song that ended your prom. The song you danced to at your wedding. I hadn't really given it a lot of thought for some time....until yesterday that is. Through the magic of Facebook, I had one of those "song remembers when" moments. I had a few friend requests sitting in my messages area. I clicked on and accepted all but one....THE one. This name that came out of nowhere. The one that sent all those memories flooding back, making me relive and recount so much that had gone on in my life over the past several years that he was a part of them....Darryl. The name I haven't spoken, talked to, or been a part of his life for several years now. Years with no contact will certainly drive the memories away, that is, until the song remembers.
I'm not about to bore any of you with details of who he is, what he meant to me, our past history together (and apart), but I wonder if you've had those moments? Is there a song, a scent, a location, a "whatever" in your past that drives you back to a moment in time that makes you think of the choices you've made (good and bad)? How is it that certain things are so ingrained in our memories, but I can't tell you what I had for dinner last night? (Ok, well it was really steamed veggies & rice, but you get my point!)
Talk about water under bridges burned....those memories flood back and remind me of where I was eight years ago or so when we first met. How different I am today. How much I've learned about boundaries, safe people, being trust worthy enough to earn access to another's heart...so many important life skills and lessons.
Do you think it's those hard times, those times when we get knocked down or have our hearts broken that we learn the most about ourselves? I think that must be the case. But, I think the important thing is that we DO learn them. Who said something about the definition of insanity being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome? How many times in life does God allow us to learn a lesson, only to test us to make sure we've actually learned the lesson?
I suppose this might seem a bit like I'm rambling today, but isn't processing fabulous??!! Yes, my heart wonders "how on earth" he is. I guess through the magic of Facebook, some day I'll learn. But he'll meet a completely different Kara this time. This time, I know who I am. I know what I will accept in my life and what I won't. He'll meet a woman who, though far from perfect, is learning how to love herself more perfectly. A woman who, thanks to God and some awesome friends, including many of you who read this blog, is grateful for the years of wisdom and love showered upon her. A woman who now realizes that she doesn't NEED a man to fill her up and make her FEEL loved, appreciated or worthy. (YAYYYY!!!) A much more humbled woman and one who is not backtrackin' around too many corners these days.
So, even if the whole world has forgotten, yes, the song remembers when.
Love Ya'll to Pieces,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A New Creation

Hey Bloggers!
I have a confession of sorts to make! I have a guilty pleasure that I watch on television that I just can't seem to get enough of. It's a show on CMT called "Gone Country". Have you seen it?
The premise of the reality show is that six celebrities from genres other than country music (actors, athletes, former pop stars, and this year a former Miss USA)move to Nashville, work with country song writers, perform for the fans in Nashville, and compete to see who has the best opportunity to "Go Country". At the end of the season, the person who wins gets the chance to go into the studio with John Rich of Big & Rich fame to record a country record. Wow, I just dated myself there....they get the opportunity to record a country CD!!
What is so fascinating to me about this show is what happens on the first episode of each season. Sitting in John's mansion (which is my vision for what my mansion will look like in Heaven someday), all the participants are at his dining room table chowing down on a huge BBQ dinner. John asks each person very candidly why they wanted to participate in this competition and why they want to "go country". The answers are often heart-warming, sometimes heart-breaking, but always have something to do with making a new start, to becoming a new creation.

I certainly believe the goals the contestants set for themselves are commendable. I enjoy watching their attempts at re-starting and re-claiming their careers in a new outlet. But I must admit I'm struck by all the striving, stress and pressure they place on themselves to just "be".
It reminds me of Paul's second letter to the church in Corinth. This translation is from The Message, and I just LOVE it!! I honestly think if all these contestants were to have a personal relationship with Christ, they may just be able to cease the striving to become a new creation, because they'd realize they already area! Might they be searching for God when they think they're searching for fame?
"Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you."
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Longing for a Hand to Hold?
First let me say, IF you received an email from me earlier today asking you to visit and read my post about the day, this one isn't it! Scroll down to the next one, "Proud to Be an American." That's the one I referenced.
However, since you're here, you might as well watch this video that I'm posting. I was having a conversation several days ago in which I mentioned that one of the things I really missed in not being in a relationship was having a hand to hold. There's an intimate connection in just holding someone's hand...a strength, a calming assurance, knowledge that someone is by your side. I really do miss that right now.
I heard this song on the radio today, and it sent me flying to You Tube to check whether there was a video for it, so I hope you enjoy this. (It's by a group called Tenth Avenue North and is called "By Your Side".)
Holding on to HIS Hand,
"Proud to be an American"

Just a few short hours ago, the 44th President of the United States was inaugurated. Barack Obama is no longer President-Elect Obama, the first African American elected to be President, the one who promised Change. As of noon today, he simply became Mr. President.
Most of you know how passionate I am about politics and the system that our forefathers worked so diligently to design to stand the test of the ages. It is a system that allows each citizen of the United States to participate in. Countless young men and women have shed their blood, given the greatest sacrifice, to ensure the continuation of the notion that a government of the people, by the people and for the people would endure.
No doubt, our history has been tainted by the scourge of slavery, the sting of racism, the abuse of power and money, and we have all fallen short in our responsibility to rise to the greater common good that exists in us all as Americans to defend our Constitution. But, I am encouraged by the notion that millions of people all across this nation, young and old, black and white, Asian and Hispanic, liberal and conservative, gay and straight, male and female, Tar Heels and Blue Devils can all look inside ourselves and realize that in reality, it's the little things that divide us--at our core, we all desire the same things.
We want a country we can be proud of--both in what it stands for, what it fights for, and what it inspires in us. We want a leader who uses wisdom to make decisions that will affect not only our families, but his own. We want those we elect to represent us, regardless of whether there is a D or an R by their name on the ballot, to remember that it is each of us who placed them in office. We want them to vote their conscience and realize that the greater good in our local, state and federal governments will always balance against partisanship and ideology.
I encourage each of you who reads this post today to take a moment to pray for President Obama and Vice President Biden, the newly appointed members of the Cabinet, our Senators and members of the House of Representatives. Pray for our nation as we begin the long process of economic recovery and building toward a stronger tomorrow. Pray for our troops who serve in the far reaches of the planet, daily laying their lives on the line in freedom's cause. Pray for each of us as well, that we might stand alongside our President and support him in the causes that we agree with him on, and work to fight for the causes in which we disagree. Most of all, pray for the future of our nation.
President Lincoln once called the United States the "last best hope for earth". Our democracy, so young by all standards, will continue to strengthen with the resolve of the American people. Change has come, yes it has. Just yesterday, we honored Martin Luther King and the fight for civil rights that he helped to champion. Today, his dream has been realized. Barack Obama was never a streetsweeper, but let each of us join him in the cause of leading our nation so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say, "Here lives a great President who did his job well."
May God Richly Bless America,

Yep, that's my President playing b-ball with my Heels!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Bible tells us that for now, we only know in part. We're not complete...yet. But, one day, we will see Him face-t0-face and our completion will be settled. For now, it's enough to believe in my spirit and to know in my heart that He will bring about all that He's promised.
Last night, I watched T.D. Jakes deliver a message called "Yet". His point was that we all walk through rough patches and we stumble along the way, but it's because we're not complete....yet.
Have you ever thought about how encouraging the word "yet" can be? When we look at the problems and struggles in life, we can get really down and depressed:
"I'm not married."
Those are really self-defeating and self-fulfilling prophecies in many ways. However, look what happens when we operate out of our "yet":
When we live out of the "yet", we are able to tell satan that we're not going to buy into his lies and his schemes. He may have us down and disappointed, but we haven't received our victory...YET!! Can you imagine what he must have thought as Jesus lay in the tomb for three days? Don't you just know that he was revelling in victory, thinking he had finally trumped God and defeated the Son of Man? BUT!! God wasn't finished with mankind....YET!! That wonderful Sunday morning set into motion the path of freedom and healing and ultimate restoration for each of us if we would only receive it.
I may not be married. I may not be a mom. I may not have a career in the calling that God has created me for. I may not be the best friend to my friends, and I may not be the best daughter in the world. I may not look the way I want to. I may not be able to approach a scale without trepidation. I may not be able to run a marathon (have I ever told anyone that's my dream some day?). I may not be a published author. I may not be a lot of things.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Boy, oh Boy, Did I Ever Need That!!
I'm revelling in my post-"24" returns joy! As one of my friends said last night, "Once you go Jack, you'll never go back!" If you don't watch the most awesome show on television, you should start!! "24" is action-packed and intense, but it is without question one of the best written shows out there. (Not to mention, Kiefer Sutherland ain't too bad on the eyes!)
I thought I'd share the quote that was on my desk calendar today, and just let you know that it really spoke to my heart this morning.
"There's a rhythm to life. What we do has eternal consequences, and you've got to have faith that whatever job you're given, it matters."
I really needed to read that this morning, and it was such a gift to me. You see, just yesterday, my buddy Tim and I were talking about his trip to Nashville to the Children's Pastors Conference (CPC). We talked about the presenters, the worship, the vendors, etc. and we definitely talked about my favorite, Go Fish. They've just come out with a fabulous new VBS curriculum based on their music and getting kids back into the Bible.
If I were still at Crossroads, developing the FAM JAM program (we got rid of VBS in order to bring families together) was in my job description. Tim and I worked closely to produce and develop and bring it to fruition in years past. In watching the video promo for the Go Fish curriculum, I got a little weepy because I realized that I wouldn't be able to make this happen at Crossroads for the first time in several years. It just broke my heart to see the kids worshiping and excited and really getting back into the Bible.
I was sharing that with Tim and he said something to me that will stick with me for some time. He said, "Kara, you have to remember that God DID place a call on your life to minister to children. You felt it, responded to it, and you walked in it in a really fine way. Regardless of what other people may say about whether you are or aren't called to minister to children, you were and you know it. The tears were there to remind you that the call is still there, even if you've had to step outside the calling for a time. But somewhere down the road, the opportunity will present itself again. All you have to do is be ready to answer, use your time wisely in the meantime and build a few tents." (For those of you who may not know what that means, go check out the life of Paul while he was ministering and spreading the Good News.)
I've really wrestled with why God would bring me to a place of ministering to children, which is my ultimate dream and desire in a "work setting", only to pull me out of that place in such dramatic fashion. I've questioned if the call was real. I've doubted my abilities and my purpose this past year. Those of you who've read the blog from the beginning must be well-aware of that by now! But the good news is that His mercies are new every morning, and God PROMISES that He knows the plans that He has for me and and that those plans to give me HOPE and to give me a FUTURE.
Hmmm... so if He knows my future, that means He knows where He's leading me. I guess that also means that HE knows when and if I'll go back into ministry. (Kinda like He knows when and if I'll get married. When and if I'll be a mom. When and if I'll ever be a size 4. When and if the Tar Heels are gonna win the National Championship again. When and if Jack Bauer's ever going to retire to Concord and meet a young woman named Kar....oh never mind.)
Enjoy your job and where He has you, as I'm enjoying mine.