Hello Bloggies!!
I must share that this posting has been stirring in my heart for a few days now, and a part of me is a bit intimidated to post it, because I know I may stir up some controversy, and that's never the point of this blog. I don't mind stirring discussion, lively debate, or even cause you to disagree with me. But I never want my thoughts, questions and ideas to be seen as a source of controversy or offense. As I said when we first began, this is my opportunity to work through lessons I'm learning, things God is showing me, and to pose questions to you, my faithful readers, on topics I'm chewing on.
So this one is one I'm "chewing" on. I don't offer it as Gospel of any sort, just sort of "life as Kara sees it". So, away we go!
I'm wondering if we've gone too far? Years ago, those WWJD bracelets were so popular, asking us "what would Jesus do" in all variety of areas. Today, the day after a gloriously beautiful Resurrection Sunday in the south, I'm left wondering "WWJT"? What Would Jesus Think?
What Would Jesus Think if He were to walk into the modern churches of America?
What Would Jesus Think if He were to observe the way we celebrate His resurrection?
What Would Jesus Think if He were to see the way we market our churches?
Would He even recognize us? Would He recognize His bride, the church?
Have we become so driven by our marketing and advertisement based society that churches have become nothing more than efforts to see who can out-market the church down the road? This Easter, I recieved no less than four post cards from churches in the county advertising their "awesome", "dynamic", "exciting" services with everything from "rocking music", "state of the art lighting", and "friendly, welcoming" members. I suppose with the intent to invite me to experience the best these churches had to offer on the most holy of days.
**Let me interject here before someone goes off the deep end. As I stated earlier, this is one of those "what's Kara chewing on" type posts. I'm not criticizing marketing, advertising, and using Easter to invite people to church. On the contrary, I believe we should do everything we do for God with excellence. God gives many people the gift of creativity and marketing and advertising are near and dear to my heart. I've created those postcards; I've described churches I've attended as "awesome, dynamic, exciting, etc." and believe that they are. I'm simply putting the question out there.....Have we Gone too Far? WWJT??**
I saw a posting yesterday on Facebook, actually one of many, where a friend of mine said she had just returned home from the "best church in the world"....really? Does she know that for a fact? Obviously not, but it's her statement of faith and her comfort in her home church. WWJT - would He see her church as the best in the world? I wonder.
One church - one of the best attended and most respected - in our area hosted a huge outreach project Saturday with an Egg Drop at a local high school. Something like 35, 000 plastic eggs with gifts like iPods, tvs, game systems, gift cards, etc placed in the eggs for the lucky little winners. Thousands of children took part...it was really cool to see. Local media got hold of it and showed it on the news. Really? WWJT? I will be the first to say I wasn't there, so I don't know the answer to this, but was there an opportunity to share the real reason for Easter? Did someone discuss that Easter was a day when the Creator of all mankind stepped into human flesh, suffered brutal torture and bled for each of those kids? I certainly hope so! It was a great idea...just wondering WWJT?
Another local church has a tradition that began with the simple idea of sharing the news that "He's Alive" with some neighbors on Easter morning. The idea has now grown to the extent that the "He's Alive Tour" is now in its 11th year. It's become a highly anticipated part of the Easter service at this church. It's featured Batman and Robin over the years, the leaders being shot at by a crazy neighbor, the cops being called on them (and happened again this year), it's quite the production. Again, I have to wonder, WWJT? Have we gone too far? Is this really what Easter's about?
Elevation Church, which is arguably one of the most influential churches with one of the most influential young pastors in the country, is based out of Charlotte, NC. They actually had to pass out tickets to be able to attend their services.
It seems to me that in today's more evangelical churches, church plants, contemporary churches, etc (whatever label you want to put on it), we have become so concerned with getting the proverbial butts in the chairs that we go to any length to promote the newest, coolest, most vibrant, worship experience to bring people in. It's as if our faster, newer, hipper culture has permeated its way into our churches.
Is there anything wrong with wanting to sit in a church, sing "Christ the Lord is Risen", "Amazing Grace", (the pre-Chris Tomlin version) possibly even from a hymnal (gasp!) and just have a preacher preach the Bible to you?
Of course not, but many proponents of the newer, more contemporary style of modern-day church would claim that churches that are more "traditional" would be boring, more rigid in their ways, older in their membership, less open to the move of the Holy Spirit, and also losing the younger people in deference to upholding the traditions the older members want to retain.
So, I ask you, WWJT? Do I have the answers to all the questions I've posed? No. But I think Scripture gives us a pretty good answer if we read between the lines: Jesus tells us that, in His Father's house, there are many mansions and that He had to leave us to go prepare the place for us. He also tells us that, if He has to leave, He WILL come back again to get us. What a glorious day that will be!!
Just what I'm chewing on today.
1 comment:
:) amen on that "egg drop thing" ~ People want to see experience The Power made Manifest in their life ~ wwjd ~ he would cast out demons, heal the sick and RAISE the Dead! ~ I think the ploys of Chruches are lacking power to DO what Jesus Did... The video I saw of this "egg drop" was revealing... GREEDY little Children who seemed to have a mission to GET THOSE EGGS ~ When they should be on a mission to Feel The PRESENCE of God. ~ :)
<3 U Friend!
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