Hi Everyone,
So, just to share, this post will probably be written over the course of a few days. It's one that will evolve during the next hours and days as events occur.
With that being said, I have come to the conclusion that it is time to make another major decision in my journey of faith.
Man, some decisions are just hard to make, aren't they?
After much prayer, a few tears, gathering the wisdom of wise counsel, reading a lot of Scripture and some honest, straightforward debate, I've made the decision to resign from leadership and probably leave The Village Church. This has been my home for the last year or so. There are wonderful people there, many whom I've come to love and respect. They are not perfect; nor am I. They do not always get everything right; I certainly don't. One thing I do know for sure, there is a lot of love there. God is moving there. New people visit weekly, and while some leave as they always will, the church is growing.
With all that said, the logical question is "then why would you leave?" Again, some decisions are just hard to make. The reasons don't really matter. I'm not into the justifying or defending or explaining of specifics that should remain private. In the grand scheme of a person's faith journey, there are many transitions. Moving from one church to another, if need be. Moving from one spiritual level to another. Moving from one area of serving to another.
I recently shared with some of the amazing women of The Village in my Thursday night Bible study that people are like onions. We have layers that need to be gradually peeled away. During life, God will allow us to work through issues and He will bring people and experiences into our lives that give us the grace and ability to heal, grow, and mature.
One of my layers that has for many years needed to be peeled away has been the curse of people-pleasing. You know those people, right? We have a few common traits: we want everyone to like us which leads us to compromise our boundaries; we want everyone to get along at the expense of our own peace. I have sacrificed myself, my health, my peace, my boundaries, my emotions, etc., all to be liked, popular, feel "worthy", whatever.
The Village has allowed me to grow through a number of times of testing. I no longer desire or crave to be approved, valued, etc. by a position, a ministry, a person, or a group. As one of my dear friends said in an email today, "The Lord is with you, your identity is in him and your acceptance is secured by Jesus." Praise God for that assurance!! I am able to stand in the wisdom and maturity of my decisions, knowing that they've been prayed through, that they are my own, and that they are wise.
However, I ALSO know that, even if I make a "mistake", God is with me and He's working ALL things together for MY GOOD!! So, with that knowledge, and that confidence, I am about to go and share the news with my Pastor and my friend. My prayer is that the news will be received with dignity and favor, wisdom and grace.
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