Thursday, August 7, 2008

How's THIS for Confirmation??

Hi Everyone!! If you're not a Christ-follower, you probably won't believe this and reduce it to a simple coincidence. That's ok if you want to, but for ME, I choose to believe this was God's confirmation for me. I HOPE you read yesterday's blog posting...if you didn't, PLEASE read it before finishing this one.....really....go it!!

Now that you're back (if you ever left), I want to share about an email devotion I opened and read late last night. My jaw just dropped. I PROMISE that I read it HOURS after I posted on the blog!! I have it subscribed at my personal email address, so I typically only check it at night once I have chilled out a bit from the day. In the Inbox, I found a devotion whose title was "There is a Season." If you remember, yesterday's post was called Turn Turn Turn and referred to The Byrds song with that line in it. That got my curiosity going, so I read the devotion and just about had that cow my mom was supposed to have had yesterday. In its entirety, here's yesterday's email devotion, "There is a Season".

I heard a song on the radio that made me think about the dreams we all hold dear to us. You know what dream I’m talking about – the one you always talk about but just can’t seem to achieve. Maybe it’s finishing your education. Maybe it’s learning to play a musical instrument. Or maybe it’s getting fit. Whatever your dream is, it isn't going to get done if it only remains a dream. What turns dreams into reality can be summed up in one word… action! This brings me back to that song I heard on the radio.

It was a hit song recorded by The Byrds back in 1965 called “Turn! Turn! Turn!” The song’s lyrics were actually adapted from the Bible, and it’s one of those songs you recognize immediately when you hear it. The part of the song that made me think about unrealized dreams can be found in the chorus: “To everything, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time for every purpose under heaven.” As you read those words, consider the following questions: Regarding your dream, is this the season? Regarding your dream, is this the time? The reality is that this can be the time and the season for your dream IF you make it happen. So, what do you say? Do I have any takers, or am I just talking to The Byrds here?

So, my friends, tell me....coincidence or confirmation??? How COOL is that??

1 comment:

EN said...

Confirmation..and very, very cool! ;-)