Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey There My Loyal Blog Readers!

Thanks for hanging in there for the past week or so with no posting. I'm sorry, but I have had an experience that has rocked my world...literally! Last Thursday morning around 4AM, I woke up to my world spinning out of control...again, literally! I had a horrible case of vertigo. Lots of fluid behind my ear drums that has affected my balance for a week now. It is not something I'd wish on anyone! Please keep me in your prayers for healing. I'm trusting in His powers to heal, but His timetable is making me wonder! "How about NOW, Lord?"

Anyway, I ran across a quote today that I thought was pretty great, so here it is:

"There are years that ask questions, and years that answer."

I wonder if you've had that experience? I truly believe that 2008 was a year fraught with questions for me in so many areas of life. From my sense of self-worth, to performance and goal expectations, to my relationship with Christ and others, where I fit at Crossroads, how others perceive me and whether I even care about that (or care too much!), this past year was full of questions.

So what will 2009 bring? Well, for one, I am certain I am beginning to get some answers. This past week, I decided it was time to take control of my health. (The truth is, no one else is responsible for this vessel of mine, and while for the past 38 years of my life, I've not treated it as the temple that it is supposed to be, it is finally time to take charge of my health and well-being.) So, I had several appointments at the doctor's office this week, and have been poked and prodded and donated enough blood to keep Dracula happy for a month or so. I had that lovely female exam.....does that ever get easier? Next week, I'll be raising up my offering on to the lovely boob masher machine....gosh I hope that doesn't hurt too have a baseline for future exams. (Those of you who have family history and you're in your mid-late 30s, follow my lead and do the same!) Answers are coming in the areas of health. All is well.

I continue on the path of healing in the mental/emotional/spiritual realms as well. Many answers are coming to light there as well. I've recently had a much-needed series of conversations with a person very important to my past and how I've seen myself over the past 8 years or so. So much guilt and judgment I've placed on myself apparently was not necessary, and the realization of that has been freeing. I have learned that I looked at myself in a VERY negative light and took on responsibility for some things that were not how the other person looked at the situation. Answers are coming.

Anyway, there's SO much I could post here, but I need to get in to work today, so I'm going to stop for now. I encourage you to seek the answers in this year to the questions you've had about your life.

Much Love in the Journey,

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