Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Hello Everyone!

This is probably not the most "appropriate" title for this posting today, but today is an anniversary of sorts. It was one month ago today that I had that awful panic attack on the way home from church.

Now, knowing me well, this could be a time where I lament all the fear, the pain, the doubts and the insecurities. All the questions. The tears. The negative self talk. Etc. Etc.

However, I'm choosing to look at today as an anniversary of a day to be celebrated. (WOW, that is SO HARD for me to type!) I guess that God chose to allow the reemergence of the panic and fear to help lead me to healing and victory. So, isn't that a great reason to celebrate? I've got my party music on....well, really it's some Go Fish! But anyway....won't you join me in thanking God for caring so much for me that He isn't willing to allow me to stay stuck in the fear and the ways of old?? He's calling me to go higher and to go deeper with Him. Years ago, at a women's retreat, Teresa Phillips was teaching, and I jotted in my journal during her speaking that "in order for God to have more of a place inside of me, I have to get rid of some things that are not beneficial for me." I suppose the Lord has chosen now as the time to journey along the healing road for me!!

So, Happy Anniversary, Kara. Now, where are the party hats??

Celebrating the Journey,

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Kara - I just wanted you to know that I am here for you on your journey. I think about you often!!!